Dashticz V2 - Custom Applications
Module - Moonphases
First create a lua script (example: script_time_moon.lua) with the following code
-- Variables to customize ------------------------------------------------ local moonpicture = "MoonPicture" -- name of the uservar to write the name of the moonphase picture to local checkvar = "MoonphaseCheck" -- name of the uservar to check if update is allowed local checktime = 3600 -- check allowed every x seconds 3600 = 60 min. Check the wundergroud API limitation before changing this local city = "<your town>" -- Your city for Wunderground API local countryCode = "<YOUR COUNTRY CODE>" -- Your country code for Wunderground API local idxmoonpercentage ='125' -- Your virtual moon percentage illuminated Device ID local idxmoonage ='131' -- Your virtual moon age Device ID local idxmoonphase ='132' -- Your virtual moon phase Device ID local idxmoonrise='124' -- Your virtual moon rise variable ID local idxmoonset='127' -- Your virtual moon set variable ID local wuAPIkey = "<your key>" -- Your Weather Underground API Key local DOMO_IP = "<your domo ip>" -- Domoticz ip address local DOMO_PORT = "<your domo port>" -- Domoticz port local tempfilename = '/var/tmp/phase.tmp' -- can be anywhere writeable (chmod 744) local debug=false -- false, true for domoticz log ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function file_exists(path) -- function to check if a file exists local file = io.open(path, "rb") if file then file:close() end return file ~= nil end function timedifference(s) -- function to determine the difference in seconds between the current time and a given one year = string.sub(s, 1, 4) month = string.sub(s, 6, 7) day = string.sub(s, 9, 10) hour = string.sub(s, 12, 13) minutes = string.sub(s, 15, 16) seconds = string.sub(s, 18, 19) t1 = os.time() t2 = os.time{year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour, min=minutes, sec=seconds} difference = os.difftime (t1, t2) return difference end function may_update(device, timeelapsed) -- function to check whether an update is allowed return uservariables_lastupdate[device] == nil or timedifference(uservariables_lastupdate[device]) >= timeelapsed end commandArray = {} time = os.date("*t") url='http://api.wunderground.com/api/'..wuAPIkey..'/astronomy/q/'..countryCode..'/'..city..'.json' if (may_update(checkvar,checktime)==true) or (file_exists(tempfilename)==false) then -- read API Wunderground if debug then print("Moonphase - Collecting data from: "..url) end os.execute('curl -s '..url..' > '..tempfilename) -- NOTE: if the command above doens't work in your situation try -- read = os.execute('curl -s -o '..tempfilename..' "'..url..'"') -- instead! Thanks to EdKo66 file = io.open(tempfilename, "r") s= file:read("*a") s = (string.gsub(s, "%c+", "")) file:close() -- moonrise moonriseHour, moonriseMinute = string.match(s, [["moonrise": {"hour":"(%d+)","minute":"(%d+)"]]) if moonriseHour == nil then moonriseHour = '--' end if moonriseMinute == nil then moonriseMinute = '--' end if debug then print("Moonrise:\t"..moonriseHour..":"..moonriseMinute) end -- moonset moonsetHour, moonsetMinute = string.match(s, [["moonset": {"hour":"(%d+)","minute":"(%d+)"]]) if moonsetHour == nil then moonsetHour = "--" end if moonsetMinute == nil then moonsetMinute = "--" end if debug then print("Moonset:\t"..moonsetHour..":"..moonsetMinute) end -- percentage of moon illuminated percentIlluminated = string.match(s, [["percentIlluminated":"(%d+)"]]) if debug then print("Percent:\t"..percentIlluminated.."%") end -- age of moon since last new moon age = string.match(s, [["ageOfMoon":"(%d+)"]]) if debug then print("Age:\t\t"..age) end -- Phase of the moon -- set the moonPhaseIcon to your appropriate icon number (8 x) moonPhase = string.match(s, [["phaseofMoon":"(.-)"]]) if moonPhase=="New Moon" then moonPhase = "Nieuwe maan" is_waxing = true end if moonPhase=="Waxing Crescent" then moonPhase = "Wassende halve maan" is_waxing = true end if moonPhase=="First Quarter" then moonPhase = "Eerste kwartier" is_waxing = true end if moonPhase=="Waxing Gibbous" then moonPhase = "Wassende maan" is_waxing = true end if moonPhase=="Full" then moonPhase = "Volle maan" is_waxing = false end if moonPhase=="Waning Gibbous" then moonPhase = "Afnemende maan" is_waxing = false end if moonPhase=="Last Quarter" then moonPhase = "Laatste kwartier" is_waxing = false end if moonPhase=="Waning Crescent" then moonPhase = "Afnemende halve maan" is_waxing = false end -- calculate moonphase picture if percentIlluminated == '0' then n='50' else if is_waxing==false then picnumber=math.floor(math.abs(percentIlluminated-100)/2) n=tostring(picnumber) if n.length==1 then n='0'+n end else picnumber=math.floor(50+(percentIlluminated/2)) if picnumber == 100 then picnumber=99 end end n=tostring(picnumber) end picture='moon.'..n..'.png' if debug then print('Picture number: '..n..' '..'Picture name: '..picture) end commandArray['Variable:'..checkvar]=moonPhase commandArray['Variable:'..moonpicture]=picture commandArray[1] = {['UpdateDevice'] = idxmoonphase.."|0|"..moonPhase} commandArray[2] = {['UpdateDevice'] = idxmoonrise.."|0|"..moonriseHour..":"..moonriseMinute} commandArray[3] = {['UpdateDevice'] = idxmoonset.."|0|"..moonsetHour..":"..moonsetMinute} commandArray[4] = {['UpdateDevice'] = idxmoonage.."|0|"..age} commandArray[5] = {['UpdateDevice'] = idxmoonpercentage.."|0|"..percentIlluminated} else if debug then print("MoonPhase - Update not allowed: Difference is "..timedifference(uservariables_lastupdate[checkvar]).." seconds") end end return commandArray
Remark: this script is based on a script by alexsh1 [1]
As you can see there are some (dummy) devices that need to be created in Domoticz.
2 uservariables:
User variable | Type |
MoonPicture | STRING |
MoonphaseCheck | STRING |
and 5 devices:
Hardware | Name | Type | Axislabel |
Dummy Switch | Moon up | Text | |
Dummy Switch | Moon under | Text | |
Dummy Switch | Moonpercentage | Percentage | |
Dummy Switch | Moon age | Custom Sensor | Days |
Dummy Switch | Moonphase | Text |
Now we have to write down the IDX numbers for the 7 devices we've just created.
We need these when we're going to edit the moon script.
Change the following lines with the according IDX in de moon script:
local idxmoonpercentage ='xxx' -- Your virtual moon percentage illuminated Device ID
local idxmoonage ='xxx' -- Your virtual moon age Device ID
local idxmoonphase ='xxx' -- Your virtual moon phase Device ID
local idxmoonrise='xxx' -- Your virtual moon rise variable ID
local idxmoonset='xxx' -- Your virtual moon set variable ID
After that, change the other remaining parameters:
local checktime = 3600 -- check allowed every x seconds 3600 = 60 min. Check the wundergroud API limitation before changing this
local city = "<your town>" -- Your city for Wunderground API
local countryCode = "<YOUR COUNTRY CODE>" -- Your country code for Wunderground API
local wuAPIkey = "<your key>" -- Your Weather Underground API Key
local DOMO_IP = "<your domo ip>" -- Domoticz ip address
local DOMO_PORT = "<your domo port>" -- Domoticz port
local tempfilename = '/var/tmp/phase.tmp' -- can be anywhere writeable (chmod 744)
local debug=false -- false, true for domoticz log
The last part is editing the CONFIG.js file from Dashticz v2.0 (/<dashticz folder>/custom/)
Add the next variable with the correct IDX number (IDX number from the user variable MoonPicture)
config['idx_moonpicture'] = IDX_Number; //index of the uservariabele MoonPicture
Add the buttons.moons parameter and place this in a block
buttons.moon = {width:12, isimage:true, refreshimage:60000, image: 'moon'}
columns[5] = {}
columns[5]['blocks'] = [buttons.buienradar, buttons.nunl, buttons.radio, buttons.moon]
columns[5]['width'] = 6;
Place now the moon script in the /domoticz/scripts/lua directory and let's go!
Module - Garbage Collector
If you want to have a block with next pickup dates for your garbage, add the following to CONFIG.js (/<dashticz v2 folder>/custom/), and change zipcode & housenumber to the correct data:
var config ={}
config['garbage_company'] = 'cure';
config['garbage_icalurl'] = 0;
config['garbage_zipcode'] = '1234AB';
config['garbage_street'] = 'vuilnisstraat';
config['garbage_housenumber'] = '1';
config['garbage_maxitems'] = '12';
config['garbage_width'] = '12';
config['garbage_hideicon'] = 0;
config['garbage_use_names'] = true;
config['garbage_use_colors'] = true;
config['garbage_icon_use_colors'] = true;
config['garbage_use_cors_prefix'] = true;
config['garbage'] = {
gft: {kliko: 'green', code: '#375b23', name: 'GFT', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_green.png'},
pmd: {kliko: 'orange', code: '#db5518', name: 'PMD', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_orange.png'},
rest: {kliko: 'grey', code: '#5e5d5c', name: 'Restafval', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_grey.png'},
papier: {kliko: 'blue', code: '#153477', name: 'Papier', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_blue.png'},
kca: {kliko: 'red', code: '#b21807', name: 'Chemisch afval', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_red.png'},
brown: {kliko: 'brown', code: '#7c3607', name: 'Bruin', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_brown.png'},
black: {kliko: 'black', code: '#000000', name: 'Zwart', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_black.png'},
milieu: {kliko: 'yellow', code: '#f9e231', name: 'Geel', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_yellow.png'},
kerstboom: {kliko: 'green', code: '#375b23', name: 'Kerstboom', icon: 'img/garbage/tree.png'},
You can change the colors of the trashcan (and/or the complete line) in the section above!
And define them in a columns like:
columns[1]['blocks'] = ['garbage']
Parameter | Description |
config['garbage_use_names'] = true; | true / false; shows name from config |
config['garbage_use_colors'] = true; | true / false; shows coloring for complete line |
config['garbage_icon_use_colors'] = true; | true / false; shows colored or only white trashcan |
config['garbage_use_cors_prefix'] | true / false; use the https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/ for getting data from provider |
And define them in a columns like:
columns[1]['blocks'] = ['garbage']
Currently supported cities/companies/services:
ical > iCal
ophaalkalender > Ophaalkalender (BE)
edg > EDG (DE)
deafvalapp > Afval App (NL)
afvalwijzerarnhem > Afvalwijzer Arnhem (NL)
alphenaandenrijn > Alphen aan de Rijn (NL)
avalex > Avalex (NL)
gemeenteberkelland > Berkelland (NL)
best > Best (NL)
circulusberkel > Circulus Berkel (NL)
cure > Cure (NL)
cyclusnv > Cyclus NV (NL)
dar > Dar (NL)
gemertbakelmaandag > Gemert-Bakel, maandag (NL)
gemertbakeldinsdag > Gemert-Bakel, dinsdag (NL)
gemertbakelwoensdag > Gemert-Bakel, woensdag (NL)
goes > Goes (NL)
hvc > HVC Groep (NL)
meerlanden > Meerlanden (NL)
mijnafvalwijzer > Mijn Afval Wijzer (NL)
recyclemanager > Recycle Manager
rmn > RMN (NL)
rova > Rova (NL)
sudwestfryslan > Sudwest Fryslan (NL)
twentemilieu > Twente Milieu (NL)
uden > Uden (NL)
veldhoven > Veldhoven (NL)
vianen > Vianen (NL)
waalre > Waalre (NL)
Module - Calendar
You can add a block with upcoming events from your ical-calendar (gmail, apple etc.).
You have to add the following code into the CONFIG.js file and define them as:
var calendars = {}
calendars.business = { maxitems: 5, url: 'https://calendar.google.com/calendar/', icalurl: 'https://calendar.google.com/calendar/' }
calendars.private = { maxitems: 5, icalurl: 'https://calendar.google.com/calendar/' }
Where 'url' is the webaddress of the page to be shown when clicking the block.
'icalurl' is the webaddress to the ical-version of your calendar.
And define them in a column like:
columns[1] = {}
columns[1]['width'] = 2;
columns[1]['blocks'] = [calendars.business,calendars.private]
If you want to combine multiple calendars, add this code:
calendars.combined = {}
calendars.combined.maxitems = 5;
calendars.combined.calendars = [
{ color:'white',calendar:calendars.business },
{ color:'#ccc',calendar:calendars.private }
calendars.combined.url = 'https://calendar.google.com/calendar';
And define them in a column like:
columns[1] = {}
columns[1]['width'] = 2;
columns[1]['blocks'] = [calendars.combined]
Furthermore you can modify the date-formate and the local if the calendar is not displayed correct:
var _ICALENDAR_DATEFORMAT = 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm'; //'friendly', 'MM.DD.YYYY HH:mm', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm', 'YYYY.MM.DD HH:mm'
var _ICALENDAR_LOCALE = 'nl'; //en,hu, etc.
Module - Public Transport
It is possible to show the timetable of the public transport company VVS (Germany) AND NS (Netherlands) with live data.
To call the function properly, you will need the correct station id from: https://efa-api.asw.io/api/v1/station/
So for Stuttgart Central Station the station id is 5006118.
Then add this to config.js:
var publictransport = {}
publictransport.hbf= { station: '5006118', title:'Trains', show_lastupdate:true, provider: 'VVS', icon: 'train', interval: 15, results: 5 };
First get the station id from http://api.9292.nl/0.1/locations?lang=nl-NL&q=eindhoven (Change eindhoven to your own search parameter).
Then copy the id!
//example station id: station-eindhoven
var publictransport = {}
publictransport.ovinfo= { station: 'station-eindhoven', title:'OV Info', show_lastupdate:true, provider: '9292', icon: 'train', results: 5 };
publictransport.ovinfotrain= { station: 'station-eindhoven', title:'Bus', show_lastupdate:true, provider: '9292-bus', icon: 'bus', results: 5 };
publictransport.ovinfobus= { station: 'station-eindhoven', title:'Trein', show_lastupdate:true, provider: '9292-train', icon: 'train', results: 5 };
The icon is simply font-awesome without fa, interval = time in seconds for refreshing the data, and results = number of shown results.
Also possible is to customize the width, but i would not change the value of 12 because of the size of the output.
Font size can be changed by adding this to your custom.css and change to your own preference:
.publictransport div {
font-size: 13px;
Radio Plugin
For those who like to listen to the radio on Dashticz v2.0, there is a Plugin available.
Add the following to your CONFIG.js:
{"track":2,"name":"538 Hitzone","file":"http://vip-icecast.538.lw.triple-it.nl/WEB11_MP3"},
{"track":3,"name":"Slam! NonStop","file":"http://stream.radiocorp.nl/web10_mp3"},
{"track":6,"name":"NPO Radio 1","file":"http://icecast.omroep.nl/radio1-bb-mp3"},
{"track":7,"name":"Omroep Brabant","file":"http://streaming.omroepbrabant.nl/mp3"},
To enable, use the key: 'streamplayer' in the block definitions!
columns[2]['blocks'] = [1,4,'streamplayer']
Run your own "crossorigin.me" proxy service (Advanced Users!)
In some cases the Newsfeed wouldn't load and you get NO results. You have to put https://crossorigin.me/ before the newsfeed-url.
You can also run your own "crossorigin.me" proxy service.
Install node & npm:
Install node & npm:
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_7.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo curl -L https://www.npmjs.com/install.sh | sh
// https://github.com/technoboy10/crossorigin.me.git crossorigin //
git clone https://github.com/technoboy10/crossorigin.me.git crossorigin
cd crossorigin
npm install
npm start
You need to make a startup script, so the service will start automatic after a reboot.
Edit/find port (8080 by default) in the index.js file.
Module - Topbar
Added a topbar! Not only to give the dashboard more 'body' but also to add some new functions like a settings-icon. And maybe in the future things like notifications and stuff.
config['hide_topbar'] = 0;
Default there will be the name, clock and settings-button presented in the Topbar.
You can customize the Topbar with the following settings:
var columns = {}
columns['bar'] = {}
columns['bar']['blocks'] = ['logo','miniclock','settings']
Parameter | Description |
columns['bar']['blocks'] = ['logo','miniclock','settings'] | logo - Title of Topbar (as defined in config['app_title'] = 'Dashticz';) |
miniclock - Clock in Topbar | |
settings - Settings & Fullscreen button in Topbar |
Module - Spotify
Add a spotify block to your Dashboard.
Before you can use it, create an app on the spotify website:
https://developer.spotify.com/my-applic ... ons/create
Title: Dashticz Description: whatever ;)
On the next page, copy "Client ID" to your CONFIG.js like:
config['spot_clientid'] = '1112f16564cf4f4dsd4cbe8b52c58a44';
At the same page, enter your dashticz-url in the Redirect URIs field, for example:'
In CONFIG.js, add the block like:
columns[2] = {}
columns[2]['blocks'] = ['spotify']
columns[2]['width'] = 5;
Currently you can only change playlist, but more functions are coming!
Module - TV Guide (Dutch)
In config.js add:
var tvguide = {}
tvguide.dutch = { key:'dutch', icon: 'fa-television', width:12, channels: [1,2,3,4,31,46,92], maxitems: 10 }
Note: channels: [1,2,3] => 1,2 and 3 are ChannelID's FIND THE CHANNEL ID IN LIST BELOW:
"name":"Animal Planet OUD",
"name":"Goed TV",
"name":"Film1 Premiere +1",
"name":"3voor12 On Stage",
"name":"3voor12 Portal",
"name":"Oranje TV",
"name":"3voor12 Central",
"name":"NPO 1",
"name":"NPO 2",
"name":"NPO 3",
"name":"RTL 4",
"name":"RTL 5",
"name":"SBS 6",
"name":"SBS 9",
"name":"RTL 7",
"name":"NET 5",
"name":"RTL 8",
"name":"Crime + Investigation",
"name":"Comedy Central",
"name":"Discovery Channel",
"name":"National Geographic",
"name":"Film 1 Premiere",
"name":"24 Kitchen",
"name":"Eurosport 1",
"name":"Eurosport 2",
"name":"RTL Z",
"name":"Ziggo Sport",
"name":"Fox Sports Eredivisie",
"name":"Ziggo Sport Select",
"name":"Ziggo Sport Golf",
"name":"Ziggo Sport Racing",
"name":"Extreme Sports Channel",
"name":"Film1 Action",
"name":"Fox Sport 2",
"name":"Fox Sport 3",
"name":"Fox Sport 4",
"name":"Film1 Family",
"name":"Film 1 Sundance",
"name":"Shorts TV",
"name":"Film1 Drama",
"name":"RTL Lounge",
"name":"Rtl crime",
"name":"Comedy Family",
"name":"Comedy Central Extra",
"name":"BBC Entertainment",
"name":"BBC First",
"name":"CBS Reality",
"name":"MTV Brand new",
"name":"Brava NL",
"name":"Cartoon Network",
"name":"Disney Channel",
"name":"Disney XD",
"name":"Nick Jr.",
"name":"Pebble TV",
"name":"Nat Geo Wild",
"name":"Travel Channel",
"name":"KPN presenteert ",
"name":"Discovery Science",
"name":"Discovery World",
"name":"Investigiation discovery",
"name":"Animal Planet",
"name":"NPO Zapp Xtra \/ NPO Best",
"name":"NPO Cultura",
"name":"BBC World",
"name_short":"BBC W"
"name":"Al Jazeera Engels",
"name":"RTV Noord",
"name":"Omrop Fryslân",
"name":"RTV Drenthe",
"name":"RTV Oost",
"name":"Omroep Gelderland",
"name":"Omroep Flevoland",
"name":"RTV Utrecht",
"name":"RTV West",
"name_short":"RTV West"
"name":"RTV Rijnmond",
"name":"Omroep Zeeland",
"name":"Omroep Brabant",
"name":"L1 TV",
"name":"AT 5",
"name":"Playboy TV",
"name":"Private Spice",
"name":"101 TV",
"name":"BBC 1",
"name":"BBC 2",
"name":"BBC 4",
"name":"RTBF La 1",
"name":"RTBF La 2",
"name":"TV 5",
"name":"WDR Fernsehen",
"name":"NDR Fernsehen",
"name":"Sat 1",
"name":"PRO 7",
"name":"TRT int.",
Module - NZBget
Show your current downloads within the Dashboard.
Add to config.js:
var _HOST_NZBGET = '';
AND in the blocks, add:
columns[1]['blocks'] = ['nzbget']
If you want to use other widths, add this to config:
blocks['nzbget'] = {}
blocks['nzbget']['width'] = 12;
blocks['nzbget']['downloads_width'] = 6;
Module - Sonarr
Show your current series within the Dashboard.
Add to config.js:
config['sonarr_url'] = 'http://sonarrserver:8989';
config['sonarr_apikey'] = '000000000000000000000000000000';
config['sonarr_maxitems'] = 8;
AND in the columns, add:
columns[1]['blocks'] = ['sonarr']
If you want to use extra options, add this to config:
blocks['sonarr'] = {}
blocks['sonarr']['title'] = 'Sonarr';
blocks['sonarr']['width'] = 8;
blocks['sonarr']['title_position'] = 'left';
blocks['sonarr']['view'] = 'banner';
Module - Google Maps
Adding the GM to the dashboard:
var maps = {}
maps.location = { height: 800, width:12, latitude: 40.4989948, longitude: -3.6610076, zoom:15 }
and used in:
columns[3] = {}
columns[3]['blocks'] = [maps.location]
![]() |
Dashticz V2.0 Main Page |